Create: My attempt at a really interactive doll. Still, she worked.
Starbug: My computer!
Watercolor: Hand drawn and water colored.
Robin: of batman? outfits taken from an illustration comic.
Neko: A friend of mine from way back when. Advanced collids! OMG!
Nikolaos: Actually Bathmorta... who is a parody of Nikolaos and all other little girl vampires... but the kiss version is creepy.
Dream: He wants his pants back.
Jem: Actually changes from Jerrika into Jem!
Lotor: Since my first was Alura, my 18th birthday was Lotor, who I realized was much hotter looking having blue skin than Keith, my childhood(I was THREE okay!?) crush... I have a thing for guys with blue skin... *coughdrizzt*
Lucia: Watercolor attempt at actually layering clothes.
Susan: Watercolor doll!
Nathan: Yes... *snerk* WTF is with his baby raper goatee?